Apples represent fall better than any other crop. Michigan, one of the U.S.'s major apple-growing states will have slimmer harvest in 2012 due to early pollination followed by a late frost. Nevertheless, you can still enjoy many apple treats and recipes, using this handy free printable apple guide. It contains cooking tips and information on apple varieties. This booklet includes apple math activities, science puzzles, social studies lessons and history extensions for apple lessons, too. My personal preference in apples is the mighty Macintosh (or Jonamac, a Jonathon-Macintosh blend). These are great eating, cooking and baking apples. They're tart and juicy. Here are more apple recipes, plus my signature Apfel Kaffeklatsch Kuchen (apple coffee cake) recipe. And here's hoping for an apple-tastic 2013! Free Printable Apple Activities for Fall Preschool Lesson Plans