I've been dieting for about 18 months and have lost 96 pounds. I've trimmed fat from every part of my body and dropped from size 20 to 4. My BMI has gone 34 to 24.7 (normal). One way that I keep diet momentum is to change it up. Every time I hear about a new diet superfood or supplement on a reputable source (Dr. Oz is my go-to). I give it a try. Artichoke Vitae Plus Super Fat Burner, Antioxidant, Super Food
I'm going out to dinner with my husband tonight. He has to work another six-day week (nights) and may be working seven nights a week again (why do they not hire a new person when someone quits??) Anyway, I have been dieting intensely for 18 months and my advice is to occasionally abandon the diet for a day. Or at least quit calorie counting. Enjoy food! Diet Tip Abandon the Diet Sometimes
I've been feeling really tired and achy lately. So I'm exploring diet tweaks to help. A friend suggested eating less gluten. I don't think I have gluten intolerance, but I might be eating too much. I'm dieting and eating less meat, dairy and fat. I might probably eating more starch to feel full. Here are gluten-free, bread-less sandwiches, I invented. Gluten-Free, Breadless Sandwiches For Dieters
Grocery shopping day--time for my weekly Waste Not, Want Not refrigerator clean out, leftover use up meal. Today's was Pizza Casserole with Pizzazz. Here's how I made it cleaning up all those bags of cheese, veggies, and leftover meat and pasta. Leftover Use Up Pizza Casserole with Pizzazz